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Charity to the poor on Purim day: One should remember the poor Matanos L''evyonim on Purim and give to those less fortunate then you are. On Purim there is an additional mitzvah to give to "any person who extends their hand". Purim Seudah: On Purim day a festive meal called Seudas Purim is held, with wine as the prominent beverage. It is customary to make the Purim Seudah after Minchah the afternoon prayers and continue into the night.

As on all festivals, we celebrate the Purim meal with family and friends and gather together to rejoice in the Purim spirit. The jovial character of this feast is illustrated in the saying of the Talmud stating that one should drink on Purim until he can no longer distinguish between the phrases, Arur Haman "Cursed is Haman" and Baruch Mordechai "Blessed is Mordechai".

However, It is sufficient to drink a little more than is usual, and to take a nap. Thereby fulfilling the precept of the Sages - For one who sleeps does not know the difference between a curse and blessing The miracle of Purim occurred through wine.

Vashti was removed from her throne because of a wine-feast and Esther replaced her. The downfall of Haman was brought about through the wine feasting which Esther held. And through the repentance of the Jews, they expiated their sin in having drunk wine at the feast of Achashverosh In Conclusion: Our Sages teach that when Mashiach the Messiah arrives the festivals will cease to be observed, but Purim will continue.

The Midrash Mishlei 9 derives this unusual conclusion from a statement in Megillat Esther, "the memory of Purim will never cease from among their descendants. Rav Yitzchok Hutner, of Blessed Memory, explained this extraordinarily puzzling rabbinic teaching with the following analogy: Two individuals were given an assignment: Identify your friends in the black of night.

One was supplied with a flashlight. He identified his friends by shining light in their faces. The second did not receive a flashlight. He was compelled to identify his friends by listening to their voices and the sound of their walk.

The first did a far superior job. Seeing people''s faces is far more effective than listening to their distant conversation or walk at night. But the second person developed a unique talent. He learned to train his ears and listen attentively, developing a special sensitivity, born of his concentrated listening. When the sun rose in the morning, the first person extinguished his flashlight.

What value is there to a small light in the glare of sunlight? The second individual, however, had acquired the ability to recognize people in the dark. This talent, which he developed and perfected during that long and dark night, remained with him during the next day, and the next. When the night of exile will be banished by the rising sun of Mashiach Messiah , when the presence of Hashem will shine in all its strength and glory, this presence will be so glaring and obvious that we will no longer require the lights provided by our holidays to perceive the guiding hand of Hashem in historical events.

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